Fifty Darker Shades of EraserMic - Chapter 47 - CrypticBeans (anactualcryptid666) - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

The warm, lazy puffs of air through the kitchen window.

The gentle sound of rain pattering along the ground outside.

The quiet humming of Shouta's deep voice just barely making it to him.

Hizashi stacked the dishes in the dishwasher with a quiet hum as he flicked the water from his fingertips as he stacked the pot and a plate into the bottom rack. Fussing with their placement before sliding the drawer into place where he spun in his hunched over position to tug open the cabinet doors. He reached in to claw the cap of the pods open to grab at one then snapping the top shut. Humming under his breath to the quiet music that filled the lower half of the home from the living room as he threw the pod in its place.

Snapping it shut then standing up right to push the bottom rack in then heaving the washer door up and locking it into place. Pressing at the buttons before straightening up with a slow breath leaving himself. He grabbed at the wash towel they hung over the handle of the stove to dry off his damp hands when he turned towards the sink. Turning the running water off after rinsing out the basin of it, he hummed quietly before rubbing the towel over his hands. Draping it over the handle of the door handle again with a hum.

He glanced out the window at the darkness outside. The unseen ran pattering to the ground in a consistent, steady pour had the muscles in his back relaxing. It was a comforting white-noise that he knew his husband would insist they keep the window open just to listen too while they laid in bed. He let his gaze linger out the dark kitchen window before pushing away from the counter as he listened to the quiet whirr of the dish washer. The vibrations over the floor as it began to go through its beginning cycle.

And with a parting glance at it, he found himself drifting across the kitchen. Making his way to the front hallway of their home. He hummed quietly to himself at the increasing volume of that soft music his husband had playing. Something soft. A bit jazzy. It was a familiar ballad that drew him forward to the living room entrance where he leaned against the door frame. Admiring the sight of his husband curled up on the couch with his left foot and his prosthetic foot propped against the edge of the coffee table.

A binder supporting his laptop up allowing the blue-light to wash over his face with his knees jiggling lightly which caused the table to creak lightly in time with his restless jiggles. Black locks tied up haphazardly allowing bangs to swoop forward to frame his face in loose curls. Black brows squeezed together as his dark eyes flicked over the screen of his laptop before him. The blue-light highlighting the deep gray that his right eye had become; a flat color when compared to the darkness of his left eye.

It was what he'd been warned would happen, but it didn't make it anymore heartbreaking to see it. He looked lovely. A well put together image for a rainy night in to work on their grading. Or was he reading over an email? He had not a clue, but he found himself drifting quietly into the room towards the couch with dark eyes tearing away from the screen towards him. Blinking at him before a soft grin curled over his husband's lips as he walked around the couch. Shuffling between it and the wall carefully.

He settled in behind his husband when he slid his hands down to fan over his chest. Plucking at the fabric of his buttery tank top when he leaned down to press his head to his husband's. The faint scent of the rain outside clinging to his hair and skin from his run down to the corner store for the both of them. An open Dr. Pepper on the table and a half devoured chocolate bar that was melting before his very eyes. It was a disgusting combo but for some reason his husband adoredit. He'd never understand it.

Sliding his hands along his chest, he got a low rumbling hum from his husband when he dipped his head down to capture a glance of the screen. An email. Or was it an email submitted essay? The teacher portal? He had not a clue. He didn'tcareenough to stare at it long enough to piece it apart. He had better ideas on his mind tonight. Much, much better ideas in mind. After their hand at masochism, his husband had been left sore. He'd been left hobbling about with sore thighs and hips the morning after it.

But his husband played it off as he was getting used to the prosthetic. Which, quite honestly, was an excuse that would overextend its use the further out his husband got with his injury but the stumbles he took screamed that he was still learning. Still adjusting. But he knew the real reason. God, his husband had truly riled him up the night he asked that they feel out masochism together. Adding more pain in the bedroom. He swore it was the one night it felt like a true sex marathon together in more than a year.

Shouta had asked him to break out the new paddle with the word slu*t on it and asked him to use it on him once in a while. He swore he'd never seen his husband's skin littered in more hand marks, teeth marks, scrapes, welts, hickey's or claw marks in at least a year. Hell,he'dhad a slight limp when he'd gotten up the next morning due to the tenderness in his thighs and hips. He'd been hobbling slightly but he put it off as merely running around more than usual. Taking up tasks in his husband's stead.

f*ck if that pain hadn't been returned to him by his husband who had seemed delighted in taking every little bit of pain he gave him. Who had taken each degrading, humiliating word without so much as aflinchduring it had been aweing to see. Absolutelyamazinghow much his husband could take in one night both physically and emotionally. It washot. And yet he'd kept his eye on the black-haired man when he hobbles about their home where he allowed his limp to have shown. And he tried to make it easier on his husband.

Doing so by pampering him in the shower where the black-haired man soaked up that aftercare like a damn sponge.Hell, he'd melted when the black-haired man attempted to return the aftercare to him countless times now. Theeuphoriahe saw in the black-haired man all from a bit of pain had been aweing. Stunning. He couldn't believe how muchpainthis man was willing to take from him before enough could possibly be enough for him. Even now, his husband seemed to shed that discomfort when he was walking.

But it didn't mean he was fully recovered from everything they did Monday night. He couldn't deny he felt spoiled having his husband home all week long; from Sunday to Saturday, Shouta remained homebound while he learned how to walk properly with his prosthetic. He wasn't in any rush to send Shouta to the dorms.Shoutawasn't in any rush to return to his three nights spent away from one another. He didn'twantto go back to that insufferable schedule where his husband spent nights away from him.

Not when he'd been snapped to the reality that it took one misstep, one wrong move, one wrongwordto take something he loved away. He didn't want Shouta to spent nights away from him again where he'd worry himself sick over him. He didn't want to go back to the usual routine. Not at all. Dipping his head down, he pressed his lips to the black-haired man's shoulder. He was wearing a thick wedged tank top tonight due to the "heat" in the house. As if it wasn't a making of his own choice by opening windows up.

A choice that canceled out the air conditioning for the sake of listening to the rain storm tonight and those distant booms of thunder. Kissing at the warmth of his shoulder, he pressed a kiss over the thick wedge of his strap before crawling his lips up towards the slope of his husband's neck. Sliding his left hand up then down beneath the neckline of his tank top in a move his husband had used on him in the past. Sliding his hand under his tank top to the warmth of his chest where he could feel that heart sprinting beneath his palm.

Skipping wildly when he slid his hand down beneath the fabric while he trailed his lips up his neck in slow kisses. Firm. Inhaling the weak vanilla scent of his cologne and the lingering trace of rain. the bite of a cigarette he'd snuck in at some point throughout the day. The smell of rain clinging onto him. He was spoiled having his husband home all week long. In having him right there for him to touch and hold. It was a comfort like nothing else to have his husband right there next to him day in and day out in the week.

He used his right hand to coaxed his hair away from his neck with a low hum into the skin that had Shouta's breaths catching on a hitch. He crawled his lips up the side of his neck up towards his ear where he nipped at his earlobe with a click as his teeth hit off glossy black hoops. He gave a soft bite before pulling his earlobe into his mouth to suck gently at it. Swirling his tongue playfully around it when he nibbled at him before pulling his mouth away with a hum. Fluttering his lips up the shell of his ear.

It had the black-haired man shuddering when he nipped sharply at the tip of his ear. As much as he didn't want to, he had made his choice. A choice for what they could dofor tonight and he didn't intend to bury himself in paper work tonight. They had more than enough time to work before their summer vacation started. After their night of pain, he hadn't been sure who pouted harder at the sight of their three remaining options on their list; him or Shouta. It put a lump in his throat to think of it being over.

To think they were three little choices away from it ending. And he knew his husband was in a similar predicament. Shouta had admitted he'd been saddened with their first challenge as, in his words, he'd "just started to like it and grow comfortable with it" when it was ending. So much had changed for them in seven months that he felt ready to scream. Seven months had changed somuchfor them and right when they got their momentum their challenge was ending. It was saddening but he was sure next year they'd have their momentum.

After all, if his husband had shown him anything in the past it was that Shouta would be receptive to another challenge. That he would be open to doing a third one next year and God knows he'd be more than willing. After all, his next schedule of piercings would be in late fall which would give him ample time to heal. Ample time to have his full ladder andenjoyit together by the time they started a new challenge. He nipped sharply at the tip of his husband's ear with the quiet brush of his hand sliding over his chest.

Just barely audible over the soft, jazzy music his husband had playing. When he'd been looking over their list he had made a choice. A simple choice. Bimbofication. He wanted to try it as it sounded like something easythat the both of them could get away with doing. Something they could both sink into effortlessly for he was more than eager at the thought of having that degradation aimed his way again. To having his husband treat him soroughlywith his words was a damndream.Something that turn himon.

To hear the black-haired man rip him apart bit by bit with those degrading words? To have himself be treated as an airheaded slu*t? It had him hotter under the collar than he wanted to admit and tonight? He wanted to do ittonight.They had time to work on their paper work and grade their essays tomorrow. Assignments handed out that could be given back next week if need be. He'd dived down a small rabbit hole when it came to bimbofication. Reading up just enough to know what his husband would need to do.

To learn what he could about it and he'd be damned if he didn't like the idea of being treated like a dumb blonde by his husband. They'd joked about it in the past. Used it to get off during thier mutual masturbation together that one night; when he'd said he liked mean dark-haired people. Shouta saying he liked dumb blondes. It had been a bit when they were fresh into figuring out how deep his husband's exhibitionist side went. When they'd gotten offtogether.And if it meant he could be treated roughly with his husband's words?

Well, he was more than open to that. To letting himself be called every name in the damn book while this man rode his dick? He'd do it. Do it in a damnheartbeat.Fingers slid over the keys lightly with a hitching breath being taken when he rubbed his fingers over his husband's areola. Just around his nipple yet not touching it; not yet. He dipped his head back down to kiss at the side Shouta's neck again. Giving a playful pseudo purr when he gave a playful nip that had the black-haired man breaths shaking.

He could feel his head falling to the side to offer up more of his neck to him which he was more than delighted to shower in kisses. Nips. Tonight, he wanted to f*ck this man. He wanted this man to f*ckhimselfon him. He wanted everything he could take from the black-haired man and God knows he wanted it badly. To hear that deep, husky voice calling him a slu*t. Calling him a no good bimbo who was meant only forhim.He wanted to hear whatever vulgar thing Shouta could come up with and he wanted to hear ittonight.

It was a strange rushwantingShouta to be mean to him, but it always came so effortlessly to the black-haired man. He'd been mean as a viper in their youth but tonight he wanted that side to come out full force. He wanted to be ripped apart by this man and eaten up with not a bit of him left behind. That'swhat he wanted from his husband. Nothing more and nothing less. Nipping at the slope of his neck, he lifted his head up to bite at the shell of his ear firmly to which the black-haired man shuddered.

"Why don't you come to bed with me? You've been working yourself down to the bone for the sake of having a free summer vacation which wewillhave. Why don't you come to the bedroom where you can do something much morefunthan what you're doing now, hmm?" He loved the shudder that ran over his husband again when he slid his hand over his chest where he brushed his palm against a hardening nipple when his husband's chest arched forward slightly. "C'mon, baby, come to bed with me? Please?"

"An-And what, pray tell, are we going todoonce we go to bed, huh? Because I don't, you're wantingsleepif I'm reading this ri-right. Am I?" God, it was a treat listening to that low rumble to his husband's voice when he watched fingers curling against the laptop's keyboard. Trembling lightly when his husband let out a shuddering breath when he brushed his palm lightly over his nipple again with fingers flicking carelessly at the hardening thing. "Did you finish grading those essays that you've been putting off?"


"And did you help finish folding Eri and Hitoshi's clothes like I asked?" He nodded to which his husband squinted at him before pursing his lips slightly then speaking again with a tilt to his head. "Is Eri in bed? Or did you leave her to her own devices tonight?"

"What kind of father would that make me? I supervised and let her do her bedtime routine before tucking her in so she's in bed! Probably sleeping like a champ right now!"

"And did you get the dishes put in the dishwasher like I asked?"

"Yup! And before you ask, yes, I graded those other papers. Yes, I put a pod in before running the dishwasher, andyes,I threw the spare blanket into the washer with the other sheetsandgot the bed made!" The black-haired man hummed then when he gave a light pinch to that hardened nipple when he watched Shouta's hands come up to shut the laptop with a light click. His chest arching into his hand with a shuddering breath. "We'refree.Now, don't you want to hear what I want from you?"


"I was looking at our list and I saw bimbofication on it. Got curious about it." He tightened the strength of his pinch on that hardened nipple earning himself a breathless wheeze from the black-haired man. "And I fell down aninterestingrabbit hole. I read a thing that it's basically where "good girl" is turned into an "airheaded slu*t, perfectly happy to be used and degraded". And I think that the concept of it isinterestingto say the least because I feel I do it to you all the time, you know? And I was thinking-"

"That you wanted me to do it to you?" Bingo. God, he loves it when his husband can play along the way he was when he nodded before dipping his head down to kiss at the side of his neck softly. Humming when he pressed an open mouthed kiss to the skin where he then buzzed playfully earning himself a jump from the black-haired man. A sharp hiss. "What exactly would you want me to do to degrade you, Zashi? Do you just want me to-to say degrading sh*t? Make you feelstupidor-or something?"

"Well, remember howmeanyou can be?That'swhat I want." His husband nodded when he rocked from heel to toe awkwardly when he lifted his cheek from his forearm with a grin of his own twitching at his lips. "Well, I'd like you to do that to me! I'd like foryouto degrademe. Turn me into an airheaded slu*t who wants his husband to f*ck his brains out on his co*ck. Treat me like I'm stupid. Treat me like I'm nothing more than a dumb bimbo who's only here foryouto get off with."

"Are you sure you want that? You never really use degradation on yourself, but I mean, I'm willing to try.The worst thing I can do now is not try to give you what you want." Shouta's head then tipped back with dark eyes focusing up on him with an intensity to get his heart skipping up to his throat when he released the pinch on his nipple to trail his fingers over it. A hitching breath being taken when his chest arched forward when he pulled his hand free. "You wa-wanna go do this now then? You want me that badly?"

"More than anything."

He was so close he swore he couldseepupils dilating in that dark left eye of his when Shouta then reached down to push the laptop off of his lap with that binder onto the cushion beside him. Eyes locking onto him when his husband twisted in his seat before sliding his feet off the coffee table. All but jumping onto his feet when he teetered precariously before dropping down to the cushion again with a curse. But theheatin that gaze when it lifted up had him breathless when Shouta spoke."Go."

He side-stepped behind the couch and wall quickly before launching himself across the living room with a glance over his shoulder to his husband. Watching him struggle up onto his feet with another wobble before turning the TV with its soft music off. And then the man was flying forward with long brisk strides after him had him putting a pep to his step. Flying down the hallway with a flurry of thudding steps, his hair brushed over his shoulders. Fluttering around his face as he flew into the kitchen.

There was an excitement to it all that had his heart jumping in his chest at the thought of this. All day he'd been playing with the idea of how to bring it up, and he found himself nothing short of breathless at the idea of getting what he wanted from Shouta. The black-haired man was sogoodat degradation when he actively tried. When he asked for it, the black-haired man was absolutelyruthlesswith his words when need be. When he'd been glancing over their list before choosing bimbofication, he had to admit he was interested.

That he was excited at the thought of his husband treating him like that. About being on the receiving end of the degradation he gave his husband without a second thought. Streaking through the kitchen, he glanced over his shoulder again only to swallow down a giggle at how closehis smirking husband was. Keeping up decently rather than falling behind like he normally had been lately. He was getting better at walking quickly, briskly with his prosthetic. Thudding steps that had his heart skipping wildly.

It's only a matter of time before the man began running or when he can be expected to heave items up into his arms to carry while on it. He put a pep to his step when a gaggle of their cats broke up with skittering claws when he flew into the dark mini hallway of theirs that he thudded down quickly with his husband in hot pursuit. He felt bad for spooking Twix and making him more skittish than he needed to be. Especially their new cat they'd inherited after Nemuri's death. Hiding somewhere in the house.

He swore he saw her streak past in a blur with Twix. He rushed down the hallway with another giggle crawling up in his throat when he grabbed the handles of their bedroom doors with his husband thudding down the hall towards him. Throwing the doors open, he flew into the room then stepped out of the way allowing Shouta over the threshold. He reached out to snap the doors shut when he heard the melody of at least four bells running towards them. He snapped the doors shut then flicked the lock in place with a click.

He turned on his feet only to have Shouta surging forward pinning him to the bedroom doors with a rattle of the hinges at their combined weight pushing up to it. He slid his hand up to tug his hair down to which he flicked the hair tie to the floor. Burying his hand into black curls, he curled his left arm around his waist when hands slid along his own waist. The push of Shouta's weight kept him pinned to the doors when the black-haired man leaned in. And he couldn't help a sigh at the press of full lips coming down on his.

A firm press that had him tightening his arm around his husband's waist as he gripped at a fistful of black curls earning himself a shudder from his husband. He slid his lips against those full ones giddily with a quiet brush as he held Shouta close. Pinning himself to the doors when the hinges rattled lightly again when a sigh fanned over his warm cheek. Like it had been agony waiting for lips to come down on his. After all, he'd been hinting today he wantedsomethingoff of their list to make tonightfun.

He'd teased and poked at him but had refused to tell his husband just whathe wanted. Playing with the idea that eventually he'd be saying something. All day he'd been toying with his husband only to take it up a notch when they got home from work. He was more than delighted to let himself be used up by this man. To let himself be degraded, demeaned, and ran through the dirt with those cruel words of his. Sliding his lips firmly against Shouta's, he felt Shouta pressing forward lightly against him with lips moving against his.

Melting to mold and shape to his own for that comfortable fit against his; filling up the gaps between them. God, he could kiss this man all the damntime.He'd never get enough of kissing him, holding him,touchinghim. There would be no time where it would be enough to relish the feeling of Shouta against him. Never enough time to satisfy that desire to kiss him. Touch him like this. He slid his hand over his tank top to slid along his back up between his shoulder blades before sweeping it down to his lower back.

It had his husband arching forward to press tightly against his own much to his delight. The quiet brush of their moving lips was deafening in the quiet of their bedroom with the hinges rattling lightly. The doors groaning quietly in protest to their combined weight pressing against it. He loves that smell of rain and vanilla clinging onto his husband like a soft cologne. Clinging to his hair. His clothes. He tightened the fistful of hair he had in a light tug that had his husband whining under his breath with lips pressing firmly to his.

He could spend hours being crowded by this man and it'd never be enough. He could feel Shouta curving in his arms to twist against him; fitting into his arms comfortably as hands held onto the hem of his tank top. Fists trembling lightly against his waist when he felt fingers tugging lightly at it before hands stretched out again. Sliding along his waist in a rub before sliding up his sides in a sweeping caress that had his breath catching. The fabric of his tank top being bunched up only to be smoothed on a downwards stroke.

It had him squirming at the tingles fanning under his skin at the idle up and down slide of his husband's hands along his waist. Moving his own hand along his husband's back had him twisting tightly against him with breaths trembling over his warm cheek when he squirmed in his tightly pinned position. Testing the pressure given to him only to content himself with staying in place. Holding himself still when Shouta pressed tighter against him with the hinges rattling lightly in protest from their combined weight.

He slid his hand down his husband's back to tug playfully at the hem of his tank top. Tugging lightly before flipping it up to slid his hand beneath the fabric of it had his husband shuddering when he brushed his fingertips over his lower back. Fanning his hand against it, he swept it up beneath his tank top earning himself an arch of his back. A sharp exhale fanning over his cheek in his response.Hands slid down his sides sending another wave of tingles under his skin to pool into his stomach when he felt lips pressing harder to his own.

Moving a touch quicker than that slow speed they'd been using but God if he wasn't happy to move his lips against those full ones. To follow along with the pace his husband set tonight. The moodhe'd want from something like this. Drifting his fingers along his husband's spine, he could feel goosebumps rising over his husband's skin when he shuddered before twisting in his hold. Curving against him while he returned those firm kisses to his husband. The quiet brush of their moving lips was broken up by a light smack.

Deafening in their dimly lit bedroom but he didn't mind it one bit. He felt hips pressing forward then against his own where they gave a light grind. He was more than happy to arch his own hips forward to press tightly to his husband before grinding himself playfully against Shouta. Shouta's hands slid down his sides to tug at the hem of his tank top before flipping it up with fingers brushing along his waist. It was muggy in the room due to that open window that brought with it the humid air from outside.

The quiet pattering of rain striking the ground outside seemed faster than it did a few minutes ago. He moved his lips against Shouta's with a giddiness as he admired their plushness. How warmhis lips were. God, he'd give anything to have full lips like his husband. To have just one day to experience what it'd be like to fill the gaps of their lips the way Shouta's did so effortlessly. Holding their shape while melting against his to fill the tiniest of gaps. Curving against his own for that comfortable fit to his.

God, they made kissing his husbandaddicting.He loves kissing this man more than f*ckinganything.His breaths trembled through his nose briefly when he felt Shouta's hands sliding along his waist to which he shuddered. Squirming when the slid up his sides with a brush of rough palms moving over his skin with a quiet brush. Shuddering again, he slid his hand down Shouta's back when he pressed lightly against his lower back. Angling his hips to press forward tighter to his own forcing them back against the doors.

He ground himself against Shouta who began to grind actively. Small, tight circles against him that he returned without a second thought that had his dick twitching. He scratched at his lower back, his scalp, earning himself a quiet whine from his husband. He whined out quietly when his husband began to idly drag his nails up and down his sides. Light, careless drags over his skin that got goosebumps rising over it. Shivering at the tingles pooling into his stomach to feed into the sharp twist of that ache.

It had him squirming when he pressed lightly to the back of Shouta's head. Coaxing for that harder press which the black-haired man gave him without a second thought with full lips pressing harder to his. Hips grinding idly against him when he felt hips pushing his back to the door. Pinning them back into place in a move that he'd done to his husband more than once in the past and he was more than happy to be on the receiving end. Giving his husband little slips of control always served for a hotter interaction.

That light smack coming intermittently to break up the quiet brushing of moving lips. Hands slid up his side only to drag nails lightly over his skin on their way back down. He squirmed with hips twitching with goosebumps breaking out over his skin again with a shudder. He was warm, warm, warm. f*ck, he was warm.The lazy mugginess puffing into the bedroom with the patter of rain. The warmth swelling under his skin lazily rakes it's claws along the underside of his skin. He absolutely f*cking loves it.

Burning in his face with a blush that burned uncomfortably hot with trembling breaths fanning over it. God, there was something sogoodabout being pinned into place by his husband. He scratched at his husband's head again with a playful tug on his hair earning himself a slight arch to his husband's back with hips grinding those tight circles against him. He moved his hips in time with Shouta as he crushed his lips to those full ones happily with heat sparking under his skin. Jolts under it fed into that lazily swelling warmth.

A shiver raced up his back when he slid his hand down his husband's back then further over the curve of his ass. From his experience in this action, he knew that it drove his husband up thewall.Drove himself up the wall to let the man touch him like that. Sliding his hand over his ass again, following the curve of it, he couldn't help but feel a bit envious. He'd joked that his husband had a fat ass in the past but God if he didn't love it. If it didn't have him wishing, he had something compared to Shouta.

To have something rather than having a flat pancake size of an ass but the black-haired man never complained. Never vocalized dissatisfaction with it. In fact, the man's hands seemed to gravitate towards it during sex. During their foreplay. When the man was swatting, pinching, and grabbing at it with that sparkle to his dark eyes. As if it were a game his husband delighted in playing. He stroked his hand over the curve of his ass again before squeezing firmly at it with lips sliding against his quickly. Faster.

That hard press was something he was more than delighted to return to his husband with that quick speed. There was a dampness to their lips that allowed the smack to ring out crisply when he kneaded at a cheek only to feel the black-haired man's tight press against the door shifting slightly. Leaning back? His brows twitched together when hands on his waist tugged at him when Shouta stepped backwards. Oh. Oh! He happily pushed off the doors with his hand slipping free from black curls. He was swung on his feet.

Stumbling over them only to hiss when his heel smashed down on his toes. However, his husband held onto him tightly to keep him from toppling over when he was then walked to the bed. Taking quick steps backwards while his husband walked forward confidently with lips crushing themselves to his. He tensed when the backs of his thighs hit the bed causing him to wobble slightly when he slid his hands along Shouta's waist. Pulling back from the kisses had the black-haired man chasing after him with full lips pressing against his.

Once, twice, three times more with sharp smacks ringing out with each short kiss. It had him letting out a shaky breath when he reached down to grab at the hem of Shouta's tank top. Coaxing it up over his stomach, he flipped it up towards his chest with his husband's arms lifting upwards allowing him to tug the shirt up. Lifting it up over his head with black locks slithering through the neckline when he tossed the fabric to the floor. Hands grabbed at the hem of his own tank top and began to flip it up.

Coaxing his arms to go up rather than dropping his hands down. He remained tense to keep from falling back on the bed when his tank top was tugged up towards his head. Bunched carefully to avoid it snagging his hearing aids or knocking his glasses off as it cut off his view of his husband. He caught a quiet grunt as the fabric was tugged up insistently before it was pulled up and off to the floor. His hair falling in a swaying heap against his back when the black-haired man slid his hands along his waist.

Leaning in to press a kiss to his chest then up to his jaw, he slid his hands over Shouta's sides to get the black-haired man shuddering when he stepped back. Already he was so beautiful with that deep blush smothering itself over his cheeks was a beautiful red. Softer around his collar bones as it spread downwards to color his chest slightly. The lust, the desire,in those dark eyes of his had his heart jumping against his chest frantically in sprinting beats. Letting his gaze wander down to his fluttering chest.

Admiring the wiry, thick black curls of hair covering it where nipples perked up slightly. Down to his stomach where he followed that happy trail beneath his navel down where it disappeared beneath the waistband of his pants. He was beautiful.He leaned in to kiss at red cheeks delightedly, along the scars beneath his right eye and his eyelid forcing it to close. He slid his hands along his waist when his husband stepped to the side to sit down on the bed where he watched his husband reach down to grab the waistband of his pants.

Grabbing then shoving them down while taking care to keep his boxers up. Working his pants down, he watched Shouta tug his left leg free then work it over his prosthetic right leg. Detaching it from the stump with its deep scarring when the black-haired man laid it down carefully before pulling himself back onto the bed with a rustle of the blankets when he reached down to pull apart the button of his jeans. Working the zipper down, his dick gave a twitch of interest when his husband settled himself in the middle of the bed.

His thighs spreading apart with a grin twitching at full lips with dark eyes locking onto him. As if waiting for the reaction he so clearly wanted with such a lewd display. His gaze flicked to the tattoo peaking from beneath the elastic band of his boxers waistband. Thighs twitched before falling open wider with that grin curling up over full lips when he jerked his pants down while trying his best to keep his boxers up. Working the tight material down his thighs with a shimmy of his hips to get them down to his knees quickly.

Bending down to step out of them once they were down around his ankles. He worked his feet free before flinging his pants off behind him when he turned to the bedside table. Tugging the drawer open, he grabbed at the lube then the condom box to tug the chain out. Tearing one off of the end with a crinkling rip before snapping the drawer shut. He then tossed the lube onto the bed close to his husband who followed its path. He then lightly tossed the condom next to it when he pressed his knees to the edge of the bed.

Climbing up after the black-haired man whose thighs spread impossibly wide with hands lifting up towards him. Fingers curling lazily to welcome him forward as he crawled towards, he black-haired man. Settling himself between those wide spread thighs with his husband's gaze flashing with that heat as they moved over him. A hunger to it that had his heart thudding sickeningly against his chest as he angled his hips down against his husband's. Pressing himself tightly to him before giving a playful grind.

One that had Shouta's breath hissing in sharply when he leaned down. Capturing those full lips again in another of those hard kisses when thighs came together to press against his waist as he ground himself down in tight circles against his husband. It had him groaning up at him with lips pressing hard to his with quick slides that had that smack ringing out to break up the whisper of their moving lips. God, he loves this man. He felt thighs squeezing against his waist when the black-haired man arched his hips up.

And it had him yelping when the black-haired man flipped them much to his surprise. Exhaling sharply through his nose when his back hit the bed with his husband's straddling his waist. And he felt a current of excitement race down his back; to think his husband was acting on that power bottom status of his? Taking the leads? It had his stomach dropping with a sickening intensity when he arched his hips up to grind against his husband. Tight, quick circles up against his husband who threw himself into that grinding.

His dick giving a frenzied twitch in response to that sharp twisting excitement when Shouta began to grind his hips down in tight circles. Playful. Fierce. It had his skin flashing with head as he slid his hands along his waist before curving his hands up along his sides. Dragging his nails lightly over the warmth of his skin before sliding his hands back towards his back to get it to arch. A shudder ran over his husband when hips continued to roll down tightly against him which he returned with that giddy fervor.

Arching his hips up to grind against his husband who groaned into the kiss. He couldn't help a light moan of his own when he slid his hands down Shouta's back only to get a buck of hips against him. Trembling breaths fanning over his cheek when he let out another moan at thepleasureit sent sparking up his back with hips sliding against his. Grinding against him when he dragged his nails along his waist with a firm squeeze. Moving his lips to return the desire, thelust,beginning to burn itself into their kiss leaving him flushed.

Heat twisted under his skin to grip at his veryboneswhen he felt sweat pricking at the back of his neck. Hot. He was getting damnhotover this, and Shouta hadn't said adamnthing to him yet. Ohhh, it had him whining at the thought of what his husband could say to him.Whathe would say. It had him groaning up at his husband as he ground himself up against him with those tight circles. His dick gave a volley of twitches that had his husband whining down at him with lips crushing themselves to his.

Moving with fervent slides as that passion began to bubble into the kiss. An undercurrent that he fed into without a second thought when he clawed at his husband's waist earning himself a moan. He was determined to give his husband everything he wanted and more.If he wanted to be clawed up without asking, then he'd do it. He remembered the first time he had walked away from sex with a clawed up back. Digging his nails into his husband's waist to hold to him while hips continued their tight circles down against him.

He groaned out as he returned that tight grinding to his husband who squirmed against him with a huff fanning over his cheek. Breaths gradually racing into that light panting speed as he kept his hips arched up to grind against the black-haired man. Lips sliding against his with a hard press to get that sharp smack ringing out to fill the quiet of their bedroom. He slid his hands along his waist before sweeping his hands back to brush along his husband's waist before dragging his nails on their way back down.

It had his husband whining down at him when he dug in just enough to give his husband that pressure. To leave soft red lines on his back. He increased the strength of his clawing when he reached his lower back. It had hips thrusting against him again with a huff flying out of his husband. It sent a bolt of pleasure up his back that pooled into his stomach like a magma. Leaving him groaning as that ache twisted into his lower half. Welcoming his crotch into it which merely had him pressing himself up harder against his husband.

He raked his nails over his lower back fiercely to get it arching. A huff leaving his husband when he then moved his right hand from his back to reach out blindly next to him. Grabbing for the lube with nails dragging over the blanket clumsily. Grunting quietly when his dick gave a volley of twitches with a groan tearing out of him at the identical twitches of his husband's dick. An unmistakable sensation with how tightly pressed they were to one another when he thrusted up against the black-haired man nudging him up lightly.

It had his husband moaning at him with hips grinding in tight circles against him that had his heart stumbling over its pounding beats. He grabbed at that cool tube with a hum when he then brought it closer. He reached up then to grab at the waistband of his husband's boxers that he quickly yanked down over his ass. Exposing it with a hum when he then grabbed at the lube again to claw at the cap. Popping open with a crack, his husband shuddered with a whimper ringing with that eagerness leaving him.

He drizzled the lube over his fingers blindly then tossed the tube down to spread the lube over his fingers. Lips slid against his with a hunger that he found himself giddily returning to his husband with that smack breaking up the brushing of their moving lips. It had his dick twitching when his husband's hips then dragged back and forth; a slide against him that had his toes curling tightly. A moan breaking out of him as he spread the lube over his fingers quickly as he could while being thorough when Shouta slid his hips again.

A firm slide that ending in a playful grind against him that had his toes curling tightly with that burst of excitement. Moaning up at his husband when he reached down to grab at a cheek when he felt lips parting against his. A soft brush of his tongue against his bottom lip before coming up to brush over his top lip lightly. Flicking playfully at his lips to coax him into opening up his mouth without a second thought. He opened his mouth with full lips crushing themselves to his as hips ground down against him.

He moved his tongue in an overeager movement that had his tongue scraping along the edge of his teeth. A click of his piercing hitting off of teeth ringing out when he moved his tongue past it with Shouta's meeting him quickly. Flicking then sliding against his in a slick rub with the tip of his tongue prodding at his piercing playfully before swirling around the metal ball. Grinding up tightly against his husband who moaned out when he squeezed at the cheek, he held in his hand then bringing his fingers forward between.

Pressing his fingers against his hole when it gave a twitch tearing a moan out of himself at the sensation when he pressed the pads of his fingers against him. Rubbing up and down, up and down, up and down while hips continued their tight grinds down against him; circle that had him squirming. Arching his hips up to grind against his husband when his dick gave a volley of twitches. A wet drop soaking into the fabric was followed by another. Then another. God, he was unbearable and unfairly excited for this.

He groaned when he felt Shouta's dick twitching against him when he dug his nails into the hold, he had on that spread cheek had his husband whimpering when he began to pet at him. Slick slides of his fingers against his hole with that wet squelch of his rubbing fingers ringing out in the quiet of the blanket rustling when he squirmed. God, he loves this man. Loves, loves, loves him. He ground himself up tightly against his husband when he felt that rush.The gush of blood beginning to streak down so fast.

Damn near burning through his veins when he let out a low moan at the volley of twitches his dick gave. Squirming when he thrusted against his husband as that rush of blood gushed down, down, down. Subjecting him to o the heat sizzling under his skin, he pressed himself tightly to Shouta who moaned with hips rolling in tight circles down against his hardening dick. Was he getting hard too? He couldn't quite tell but God if it wasn't f*cking hot.He was slowly but surely simmering in his own skin under that damn heat.

Shuddering with a groan when he slid his fingers in slick rubs over that twitching hole.Slipping slickly over his skin, he rolled a few slow circles into him that had his husband whining with hips arching back to press against his fingers. A wanton moan leaving the man when he reinforced those slow, hard circles. It had his husband moaning at him when he curled his fingers in teasingly with those slow circles that had hips angling back further. Sliding against him as his hardening erection twitched with a moan of his own.

He ground himself up against his husband. Tight circles that rivaled the slower, harder circles of his fingers. It had the black-haired man shuddering with an arch to his back when he traded his slow circles for firm rubs up and down with that wet squelch ringing out. Racing, shallow pants were taken b the both of them; a gradually, steadily increasing sound to mix in with the quiet whines and whimpers. The wanting, needy moans and groans leaving the both of them in their low and high pitches.

The slick sound of his fingers slipping over his husband's twitching hole. God, it had him burning hot, hot, hot.He couldn't get enough of this man. Not now, not ever. A groan flew out of them in unison when his husband's hole twitched beneath his fingers. Rubbing his tongue to Shouta's, he felt the tip of his tongue flick at his piercing before swirling around it. Playful. He flicked his tongue to Shouta's when the black-haired man then rubbed his tongue to his. He shuddered with a groan when hips squirmed.

Grinding down in tight circles against him to get his erection twitching. Aching. It had the black-haired man moaning lowly at him in that husky pitch to get a shiver running down his back. He began to bounce his fingers against the black-haired man's hole. A touch and go that had the black-haired man whimpering then. A high, reedy sound that had his toes curling when he giddily bounced his fingers against him in his up and down rubs. Grinding himself up against his husband who squirmed against him.

He twisted eagerly with a keening whimper of his own when Shouta ground down. Giving him thatpressurefor his aching crotch as his erection lightly throbbed when he felt his husband hardening. An arch to his back had him squirming when Shouta began grinding himself tightly against him. It had his hips twitching up in a thrust when the black-haired thrusted back. It sent a spark up his back with a bolt of heat that pooled into him as he bounced hsi fingers in that touch and go before lifting them up.

He rolled the tips of his fingers against the rim of his husband's hole when those racing breaths hitched. Stuttering in their light panting before resuming with a new pace. Racing. Huffing through his nose when he rolled the tips of his fingers against his hole again before pulling his middle away as he began pushing at him. Wriggling his fingers lightly with that increasing pressure when there was a slick give. It had his husband moaning out when his finger slid into him slickly. And God if it wasn't hot.

If inner walls didn't spasm before clenching tightly around his finger when he groaned up at the black-haired man. He pressed the pad of his finger against his inner wall where he rolled soothing circles into them yet the merely clenched tight, tight, tight around his finger. It had his erection twitching with wet drops soaking into his boxers as he groaned out. Rolling circles into his inner wall had the black-haired man moaning down at him in that wanton, keening pitch. A sound that sent shivers down his back.

Groaning lowly in his throat when the black-haired man's hips arched back slightly he rubbed at that quivering inner wall. Heat soaking into his finger had his hips jumping up to grind against Shouta. Moaning into the kiss as he rubbed his tongue across the top of Shouta's who swirled his tongue up to scrape along the edge of his teeth. Rubbing in a slick slide against his as hips ground down against him with circles. Giving him sparks racing up his back only to fan under his skin. Pleasure pooling into his stomach.

It had his thighs clenching together with a keening moan flying out of himself. He flicked his tongue playfully at Shouta's who flicked back with a sharp exhale fanning over his cheek to break up those racing, shallow pants being taken by both of them. Feeding hungry lungs as that heat twisted under his skin when Shouta gave a thrust down against him with a groan. He squirmed when he gave a renewed arch to his hips up against the black-haired man who moaned down at him. Eager. Pleading silently with him.

And he rubbed at that silky soft inner wall before pulling his finger back slightly then thrusting it into him. A squelch ringing out to punctuate that thrust had them both moaning out when he pulled his finger back again only to thrust it quickly in. Loving how those inner walls clamped down tightly around his finger like it was his erection rather than a single finger. He whined at that tight clench as he began to slowly thrust his finger into his husband shallowly. Rubbing the pad of his finger against his inner wall.

It had his husband mewling out a whimper as he thrusted his finger into him shallowly with a firm curl inwards of his finger to get the black-haired man moaning at him. Squirming above him when he felt hips raising up slightly away from him to which he whimpered in protest but the black-haired man refused to come back down. If anything, he grunted with his tongue twisting against his when he then felt fingers grabbing at the waistband of his boxers. Grunting quietly when nails scratched at him when it was tugged at.

Pulled down, down, down allowing his erection to spring up from its confines to rest against his stomach with a twitch. It had him groaning out at the relief leaving him in that low, trembling pitch that had his husband whining with a squirm up above him. And then his husband's hips were angling down with fingers wrapping around the both of them to squish their erections together.God, it sent shivers up his back when he thrusted instinctively into his husband's hand as he thrusted his finger quicker.

Faster. Shallow thrusts that rang out with slick squelches had the black-haired man moaning encouragingly down at him when that hand wrapped around them squeezed. Giving a lazy stroke with an idle twist as hips moved to grind that erection to his own. f*ck, it had his toes curling when he thrusted his finger into his husband sharply before pressing down firmly to rub over that inner wall that quivered around his finger. Squeezing it for all its damn worthwhen he tugged at the cheek he held in his hand.

It had a keening moan ripping out of his husband when he did so. He ground his erection to Shouta's giddily as he thrusted hsi finger into him quickly when he brought his middle finger closer. Thrusting his index into the black-haired man despite the tight squeeze of those inner muscles when he brought his finger close to rub playfully to the skin closest to his hole. It had muscles spasming in a blatant twitch that tore groans out of the both of them. Throaty. Snapping. It had his stomach flipping with a rush of excitement.

His husband lifted his lips away from his on a gasp when the black-haired man dipped his head down to lap his tongue over his nipple. The heat of his tongue had him arching up with a moan as he pressed his head back to the bed. Rubbing the tip of his middle finger against the rim of his spread hold with his husband whimpering eagerly with hips pushing back. As if the light push would make that second finger slip into him faster. He rubbed the tip of his finger against him teasingly earning himself a moan from his husband.

Then he pressed it tightly to his index finger. Pausing in his shallow thrusts as he rubbed at his husband's inner wall as he began to push at him insistently with his middle finger. Loving the hitch to his shallow pants fanning over his chest when Shouta nipped sharply at his nipple. A click of jewelry hitting off teeth ringing out when he did so sending a shiver up his back. And with a rub against that twitching ring of muscle, his finger was sliding in alongside his index with a squirm of his husband's hips before they arched back.

That hand between them lazily stroking with twists that had fingers sliding over slick heads before sweeping down to the base. God, it had him moaning out when his husband's mouth covered his nipple to suck fiercely at it. Swirling his tongue against it with teeth dragging over his areola to nibble gently at it. It had pleasure pooling into his stomach when eh ground his erection against his husband's with a keening moan flying out of him as inner walls clamped tightly around his fingers. Strangling them.

Squeezing tightly when his finger bottomed out only for him to push out. Pushing at those muscles that spasmed in protest with a groan leaving his husband. He pushed, pushed, pushed before bringing his fingers together to give a shallow thrust into the black-haired man. It had muscles spasming fiercely around it as he gave another thrust of his fingers. A slow, even thrust that had his husband moaning when that hand squeezed them together tightly. Gauging the reaction it would get him when he pulled back again.

Thrusting them into his husband in that slow, easy manner when the black-haired man whimpered down at him. It had him shuddering when he thrusted up into Shouta's hand before spreading his fingers out again to push at his inner walls.His husband squirmed in unison with himself when that hand began to speed up. Stroking faster much to his delight as his pants caught in his throat before rushing out on a shuddering exhale. He thrusted his fingers into the black-haired man as evenly as he possibly could.

It had hips squirming with that suction on his nipple increasing with teeth biting down sharply. Moaning out at his husband, he slid his hand from its place holding him open up towards his hair to twist into it. Pushing at his head lightly to keep him pinned to his chest when the black-haired man moaned back when inner walls spasmed around his fingers. He was hot, hot, hot. So f*cking hot and his husband had yet to say a damn thing. He felt half out of his head with that heat sizzling in his veins.

Cooking him from the inside out of if he wasn't careful. He squirmed beneath his husband with a whine when he thrusted his fingers into him sharply before settling in on that old routine of theirs. Thrusting, thrusting, thrusting then spreading his fingers out to push at inner walls to get his husband moaninginto his chest. And then his husband was popping off of his nipple despite his best effort to keep him there when the tip of his tongue flicked at his nipple. Traced the rim of his areola lightly.

Then Shouta lapped his tongue over it before moving over to his right nipple. A sharp, shaking exhale fanning over it when his husband thentraced the rim of his areola with the tip of his tongue. Flicking playfully at his hardened nipple before lapping his tongue over it. Covering it with his mouth as his chest arched up and he happily pushed Shouta down towards it when the black-haired man moaned. A burst of volume with that needy edge. A sound that had him burningwith the flash of heat that burst under his skin.

He squirmed delightedly as he thrusted hsi fingers quickly into his husband who let out a keening moan in response. f*ck, he was clenching so tightaround them that it left little to the imagination what his husband would do to him when he was inside of him. It had him moaning himself when he spread his fingers out to push at those clenching muscles. Spreading them out again, again, again in a back to back motion to get the black-haired man squirming above him with a crackling whimper leaving his husband.

A deafening moan bursting out of him when Shouta dragged his teeth over his areola with teeth coming down on his nipple to bite fiercely at it before sucking hardly. Swirling his tongue around it causing the balls of his piercing to click off of his teeth. The suction had tingles racing down to pool into his stomach when he thrusted his fingers sharply into his husband earning himself a whimper. Thrusting, thrusting, thrusting his fingers into him with firm rubs to his quivering inner walls with an inwards curl of his fingers.

Inner walls that clenched so f*cking tightly around his fingers. Spreading, spreading, spreading his fingers out relentlessly to get those muscles to relax. It was then that Shouta's hand began to stroke them quickly. Moving faster with those careless curves and twists that had finger swiping over dripping heads. Thrusting up to rub himself against Shouta had them both moaning in approval at the surge of pleasure. Then his husband suckled fervently at his nipple before popping off with his tongue flicking at his nipple.

Lapping over it when the black-haired man gasped in a breath with teeth nipping at his jaw sharply. Ohhh, it had moaning enthusiastically at Shouta who let out a keening whimper with hips squirming when he thrusted his fingers into him sharply once, twice. Spreading his fingers out again, again, again to push at his inner walls that seemed intent on squeezing his fingers back together. It had him squirming with shallow thrusts up into the black-haired man's hand in a slick slide against the underside of his husband's erection.

Dragging over the piercings with a rub to get him moaning in unison with his husband. God, he was burning up.He was hot, hot, hot. So f*ckinghot.He could feel sweat pricking at his forehead, along his body and back, with drops slithering down the back of his neck. It was so f*cking hot.He thrusted up into his husband's stroking hand with a keening moan ripping out of him when fingers squeezed them togethertight.God, it was burning himup.Eating him up like nothing else as that excitement twisted into him.

The burningarousal.He thrusted shamelessly into his husband's hand with a groan bursting out of the man when he spread hsi fingers out. Again. Again, again, again until he was satisfied the muscles were as relaxed as they can be. He'd never expect his husband to be "perfectly loose" as the man had commented in dry tones. Not for the first round, anyhow, but it was enough. He stretched his fingers out once, twice, three times more. Holding that stretch until his husband was damn nearmewlinginto his jaw.

Only then did he press his fingers together to give a few sharp thrusts into him. One, two, three spreads of his fingers to push at trembling muscles before pressing his fingers together again with a groan. He then pulled them out of his husband with a lewd squelch, he reached up blindly to claw at the blankets. Stretching his hand for the condom he'd put down next to them but he couldn't find it. Where was it? He'd dropped it near the lube, hadn't he? Where was the lube? Weren't they closer? Goddammit.

It had him groaning in annoyance when he thrusted up sharply into that stroking hand. The slick rub against his husband's lightly throbbing erection had him groaning deafeningly before stretching his hand out further. Nails dragging over the blanket when his husband pulled off of his jaw with his head turning. It was with that turn that he took his chance to litter kisses down the side of his husband's neck in a frenzy. Ignoring the curls of hair tickling his face when his husband stretched out with his free hand.

And the condom was being shoved into his hand when he whined his appreciation into his neck when the black-haired man then pressed the lube into his hand. And his husband was moving off of his waist with his hand letting go of their erections. Pulling away to give him space to slather that lube over his piercings. His hips jiggled up with a whimper but he happily got to work on squirting lube onto his fingers that he reached down to rub over his piercings in that familiar thin layer. And his husband-

f*ck, the man had noshamewhen wrapping his fingers around his erection to stroke himself quickly. Dark eyes locked onto his hands as he spread the lube over himself before lifting the condom up to rip into. Full, kiss swollen lips parting slightly when he ripped that strip of wrapper off and dipped his fingers in for the slippery ring. Pulling it out and reaching down to roll it down onto himself quickly. Over his piercings carefully to keep them from snagging then tugging it down into place at the base of his erection.

Fussing with it to keep it from rolling up, he drizzled lube over his palm and fingers before wrapping his hand around himself. Stroking quickly with a lewd squelch ringing out when his husband was crawling forward to straddle him again. Hips lowering down when a hand disappeared behind him as he held himself away from his stomach. Racing pants of anticipation being taken by the both of them when he was pressing against the black-haired man. Knew it by the twitches of that hole when Shouta gave a playful grind down against him.

A tight grind that nudged down playfully tearing a groan of impatience out of him. A spark that couldn't be denied when he arched his hips up to press against his husband who shuddered before arching his hips down. Nudging, nudging, nudging at that twitching hole. Pressing together had that give coming faster than he expected. He threw his head back to the bed with a deafening moan bursting out of him when that give allowed him to sink into Shouta. Into the tight heat that clenched so f*ckinggoodaround him.

Ohhh, he swore he wasmelting.Shouta's head fell back with a moan of suchdelightit had his stomach fluttering as he watched himself sink into his husband. Inch by inch. Inner walls clamped down tightly around him with a strangle hold to get him moaning shamelessly up at his husband who sank down, down, down taking every f*cking inch like a damnpro.And he was; he absolutelywasand he was melting. He watched the black-haired man slide down into place against his pelvis when hips began to move.

Grinding back and forth a tight rocking rhythm that he found himself mesmerized at. The sight of his husband was absolutelydroolworthy. That deep blush smothering itself over his cheeks with black curls brushing at his sweaty face. The sight of the sweat glistening over his pale skin was absolutelymesmerizing.The way his mouth hung open slightly with eyes squeezing shut. Brows squeezing together tightly with a light twitch of the muscles as hands were placed then slid over his chest with hips moving back and forth.

A tight rocking that he happily joined in with as he let his gaze wander over his chest with its black curls of hair down to his stomach. Shuddering when that thick erection twitched against his stomach with drops of pre-come dripping onto his happy trail leaving a glistening, runny patch behind. He was so f*ckingbeautiful.He couldn't get enough of this sight. This sight he's had seventeenyearsmemorize. The black-haired man squeezed tightly around his erection then tearing a snapping moan out of him in response.

He slid his hands up over trembling thighs. He worried that riding him like this so much in one week would leave his stump aching. That it would grow uncomfortable balancing the way he was but his husband hardly breathed a word about it. Instead, his hips continued their tight back and forth rocking. Keeping upthat firm press down against his pelvis keeping his lower half pinned to the bed. Groaning at the way inner walls fluttered before spasming in a clench around his erection when it dared to twitch within him.

It had him shuddering with his back arching from the back slightly on a sharp inhale while his husband kept up his tight back and forth rocking. His head raising from its fallen back position with black lashes trembling on red cheeks when he squeezed at his thighs. He whimpered pleading at the black-haired man. Wanting nothing more than to watch himmoveand yet he wanted him to take his time. To admire the sight of him. To feel that pleasurepooling into his stomach with each tight rock of his husband's hips.

Each squeeze of those inner walls that had heat soaking into him as it wrapped around his erection. God, he could spend the rest of his life experiencing sex with his husband like it was the first time. To be taken aback by the heat wrapped around him. The way his husbandlooked at him like he was a meal he planned on devouring. Like he was the sole point of his desires. His love. Lust. If that meant he didn't want to push the black-haired man squirming above him with his tight rocking then so be it.

He'd never hurry him. Never let his own impatience get away from him like that. And then black lashes were rising up with hips snapping back and forth in their tight rocking with dark eyes locking onto him. A deep black and dark gray. So dark with the desire it left him burning up.He shuddered with his hips rising up slightly to rock with his husband who moaned encouragingly at him with hands fanning out over his heading chest. A small bead of sweat streaked down his forehead towards his temple to soak into his hair.

The rustle of his hair over the blanket deafening in his hearing aids when his husband leaned forward slightly with hips rocking, rocking, rocking away at him. He kneaded at his husband's flexing thighs before sliding his hands up to his waist with nails dragging over him.Across skin growing damp with that glistening sheen of sweat that glistened in the low lighting of their bedroom. Red lines glowed over his pale skin when a whimper left his husband in response with eyes blazing with head down at him.

Fingers curling slightly with nails dragging through the blonde curls of hair covering his own chest. Grinding up against his husband, inner walls spasmed around him again in a tight clench when he whimpered at his husband again. God, he'd let this man eat him up.The black-haired manlookedlike he wanted to devour him. Wanted to eat him aliveand leave not a crumb of him behind. It was a look that lit his damnbloodaflame in his veins leaving him flushed. Squirming. Eager to see what his husband would do next.

Eager to offer himself up to this man if it meant getting the pleasure they both could revel in. And then hips were raising up. Up, up, up before his husband dropped down slickly with a twitch when a huffing breath left him. He tightened his grasp on his husband's waist as he dug his nails in. Moaning at him with that silent encouragement when he watched hips raise up then drop slickly. A squelch punctuating that drop when he shuddered when his husband gave another lift before dropping down. Slow. Easy.

Hits against his pelvis that had him bouncing lightly against the mattress as he watched his husband move. It was always a glorious f*cking sight; the slight roll to those hips. The flex of his thighs. It was what made reverse cowgirl one of his favorite positions when he could watch the muscles in his back flex. Watching himself sink into the black-haired man. But this was just as f*cking good. It had him groaning when inner walls clenched around himtightin response to a twitch. God, he was so f*ckinghot.

So tight. It was so good, so good, so good when he slid his hands from his waist to his flexing thighs when Shouta began to settle into a slow bounce. Rocking hsi hips slightly when he would bottom out, he squirmed with the effort of keeping himself still. Letting his husband control the pace. Themood.And he was groaning when his husband leaned forward slightly towards him with black curls spilling over his shoulders. Brushing at those red cheeks with that half lean when his husband's brows twitched.

Hips raising up, up, then coming down again firmly with a squelch. Grinding down against him when his husband's hips raised up again before snapping down quicker. Faster. It had him clawing at trembling thighs with a moan tearing out of Shouta in response as his hands curled into fists against his chest that pushed off slightly to aid in his bouncing when he swallowed. And God, as much as he would love nothing more than to let his husband ride him he wanted something different. Something better.

And he slid his hands up to tug Shouta down where he fell to his chest with a huff and flying black curls when he then rolled to lay them out on their sides when he slid and arm around his waist to pin his lower half to his. The black-haired man's erection twitching against his stomach as it dripped shamelessly between them when he reached down to grab at his husband's left thigh to lift it up. Curling it around his waist where his foot came to rest against his lower back when he pulled his hips back.

Then he thrusted forward with a slick squelch as his husband moaned at him. Arms coming up to curl around his shoulders with a hand cupping the back of his head. Tugging him closer when he pulled his hips back again then slid forward slickly at that same depth. Matching the depth of his husband's slow easy bounces as he kept his hips from snapping. Never hitting too hard. Not yet. Not yet, not yet, not yet. It had his husband moaning when he dipped his head down to kiss at the side of his neck.

Nipping at his shoulder as he settled into that easy speed of his that had his husband squirming in his arms. Twisting with racing pants being taken by the both of them when he slid a hand over the curve of an ass cheek before squeezing firmly at his husband who squirmed his hips. Pulling back to meet his own draw back before thrusting forward with hips striking at him. His erection sliding slickly against his stomach in its trapped space in between. And God if it didn't have him moaning in unison with his husband,

Shouta then again pulled back then snapped forward to meet his thrust. Quicker this time. While he'd love nothing more than that tender lovemaking, the mood wasn't it. Not quite. Not with those vulgar words of his husband's. And the black-haired man seemed to understand that as well when hips pulled back quicker before snapping forward with a gentle hit of hips against him. Not hard. But quick? He can do quick. It had him changing the speeds of his thrusts for something shallow, quick, yet his husband didn't seem to mind it.

Not when he was meeting him thrust for thrust with the blanket rustling beneath them as arms tightened around his shoulders. The hand on the back of his head clutching at his hair tightly with nails raking over his scalp. The black-haired man's right hand dipping down to curve over his bicep to his elbow then down to his side. Clawing at him as he slid his hand down his side leaving a flash of heat in its wake.A line of tingles pooling into his stomach when his husband clawed at his waist when he snapped his hips forward.

A shallow thrust ringing out with a slick squelch. It had him moaning when inner walls clamped down tightly around him. Squeezing him for all their f*ckingworthas he huffed out with his hand releasing its tight grasp on Shouta's ass to slide over it in a caress up to his lower back. Keeping that shallow, quick speed of theirs with his husband's hips swinging to meet him each time. Movingwithhim right out the gate was always a f*cking pleasure. To have his husband meet him thrust for thrust like this was adream.

It had him whining when inner walls again tightened around him in a squeeze to leave him wheezing. Gasping in sharply after that sharp exhale only for it to fly out on a growl when he f felt inner walls clenching. Anintentionalsqueeze that had his toes curling tightly. He snapped his hips forward with a light slap of their skin meeting ringing out to which his husband squirmed It had the black-haired man giving him an encouraging moan. And he yanked his hips back in unison with Shouta before snapping forward.

Another light slap of their skin hitting together. Nails dragged over his side with his husband whining out when he yanked his hips back only to fly forward quickly with a huff flying out of the man. God, he was f*cking melting.Close todroolingover that tight heat wrapped around him if he wasn't careful. He snapped his hips forward giddily in shallow thrusts that had the black-haired man squirming with his leg tightening around his waist. The heel of his foot jerking him forward the second he pulled back.

Establishing that shallow, quick rhythm that had his husband squirming against him.Snapping his hips forward into that tight heat that seemed to delight in strangling itself around his erection. Squeezing him so f*cking goodit could drive him up the wall. Melt him away into a damn puddle that would do anything to be inside of his husband. To let the man f*ck every damnthoughtout of his head until he truly was an airhead. A bimbo slu*t wiggling and pleading for his husband to f*ck him. To take mercy on him.

To be coaxed into one of his shorter skirts that he could easily flip up and f*ck his husband without taking it off. He wanted Shouta to teat himdirty.He wanted the black-haired man to growl and degrade him.To get more creative with it. God, it sent a shiver down his when he snapped his hips forward in that quick, shallow rhythm of theirs when a hand slid up to cup his cheek with a thumb sliding along his cheekbone. And God, having that flushed face so close to his had the space between hotter than anything.

Sizzling. He kept up that shallow, quick thrusts that had his husband squirming with his teeth biting down on that kiss swollen lip of his. Black brows squeezing together tightly with black lashes fluttering on red cheeks before lifting up again to lock onto him again. That thumb sliding over his cheek smeared a drop of sweat as hips squirmed to meet his shallow thrusts. The slick squelch of the lube and condom rubbing together was deafening as it punctuated each thrust being given by the both of them.

He slid his hand over the black-haired man's ass in a caress up to his lower back to angle his hips forward with that erection grinding to his stomach. It was slick. Wet. And God if he didn't f*cking loveit. He felt that forward swing being used to slide slickly against his stomach with the head of his husband's erection grinding against him with each snapping thrust. Meeting him thrust for thrust beautifully with that thumb smearing another drop of sweat along his cheekbone. Hot, hot, hot. He was sohotalready.

A moan tearing out of the black-haired man when he snapped his hips forward with that light slap of their skin meeting again. It sent shiver down his back at that tightsqueezeof inner walls spasming around him when he inched his hips back slightly. Pulling from that shallow depth before thrusting forward with a moan flying out of him when his husband squirmed against him with nails dragging over his side leaving burning lines behind. Faster. He could damn nearhearthat order when he felt Shouta's hips pulling back further.

Matching his draw back then snapping forward quickly against him with a huff flying out of him. Shouta then leaned forward to nip at his jaw again before biting down closer to his chin. Sucking fervently at the spot with a moan as he snapped hsi hips forward faster. Quickly diving into that heat in accordance to that howling voice in the back of hsi head. To bury himself to the hilt inside of this man. To Dive into the heat that was squeezing him so f*ckinggoodit was threatening to make him drool over that pleasure.

God, it had him squirming against his husband at that strangling squeeze of his inner walls fluttering and spasming around him. As if they could break him off and stay inside of him for hours. It was a tight squeeze that had him moaning out at his husband ecstatically as he snapped his hips forward. Diving into that heat when his husband swung his hips forward harder. A strike against him that had him groaning at the impact when he snapped forward. A slap of their sweaty skin meeting ringing out like a shot of sound.

Then hips yanked back in unison only to slam forward with another deafening crack of skin meeting. It had his husband whimpering with such delight it sent a shiver down his back when he yanked his hips back a bit further before slamming forward with that same strength that lightly nudged at his husband. It had him moaning out when hips struck forward against him with that same strength. A shameless thrust into the space between their stomachs when arms tightened around him when he threw his head back with a cry.

Squirming at the clench his husband gave him as he snapped forward in a frenzy. Frantic. Unthinking. It had his husband shouting out with that note of delight with nails biting into his side, clawing at his scalp, as he slammed forward frantically. Groaning when he moved instinctively to roll over and pinning the black-haired man beneath him who whined up at him. And he giddily yanked his hips back allowing one, two piercings to slip out from what he could feel before slamming forward back into him.

The slap of their meeting skin rang out when he threw himself into that fast rhythm that had his husband writhing beneath him with hands clawing at him as hips jumped. Jerking to meet his thrusts with huffing pants being taken when his husband's head pressed back to the bed a rustle of his hair over the blanket. How tempting it'd be to bite down. To work a hickey into that pale skin of his. To see the bruises the day after that littered his own throat and jaw but he couldn't. Couldn't, couldn't, couldn't.

Wanted too. God, he f*cking wantstoo. He snapped his hips forward to dive into that contracting heat that was melting him to his damncore.Then his husband's hand yanked at his hair while nails clawed along his side with that leg tightening around his waist. The heel of his foot digging into his lower back to jerk him forward faster, faster, faster as he jerked his hips back. Huffing gasps being taken with trembling exhales as nails raked over his scalp. His side. Leaving burning lines behind that had tingles fanning under his skin.

God, they had him squirmingas he slammed his hips forward in that frenzy. Moaning out encouragingly when he felt hips squirming beneath him. f*ck him, the things he'ddofor this man. The things he'd do just tolovehim like this. Panting raggedly, his hands planted into the bed, he lowered his head down to kiss at his husband's exposed throw up to his jaw where he nipped playfully at him. The hand in his hair slid down to claw at his upper back leaving burning lines over the back of his shoulder.

Tearing a keening moan out of him when he bit sharply at his jaw. Trying his best not to suck. To work a hickey into that jawline. Summer vacation would be his golden ticket. In a mere two weeks, he'd be able to cover this man in all the marks and hickeys he wants. Slamming his hips forward into that heat, he shuddered with an arch to his back when nails clawed at his shoulder blade. Tearing a snapping moan out of him when he slammed forward against his husband who was jerking his hips up against his pelvis.

Grinding his erection against his stomach. Hips snapping forward to hit up against him to meet his thrusts. Hands clawing, clinging, onto him. It had him whimpering shrilly down at his husband who whined back with a squirm. Twisting eagerly beneath him with hips jerking to meet his thrusts as the heel of his foot dug into his lower back. His leg flexing to jerk him forward with that sharp slap of sweaty skin meeting. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead down the side of his nose slipped past the corner of his mouth.

His glasses slipped down his nose when he grunted before leaning onto his left hand to grab at them. Tossing them onto the bed close to their pillows. He hoped, at least, that's where they landed for he couldn'tcarelong enough to place them down nicely. Not when his husband was hitting against his pelvis with such f*ckingstrength that was slowly but surely bleeding into his thrusts. Slamming into that heat as that slick squelch of the lube and condom rubbing together rang out. Huffing pants being taken by the both of them.

Nipping, biting, clawing. The sharp slap of their skin meeting with the quiet creak of their bed. The rustling blankets. Pleading whimpers and whines leaving his husband as he yanked his hips back. God, he hadn't said a word yet but he knew it was coming. He knew it was coming and that it'd beruthless.Whatever treatment he received from his husband tonight would be wicked. Cruel. Have him doubting his own intelligence and it's what hewants.He wants this man to pick him apart until he trulywasnothing more than a bimbo.

A toy used for his convenience. An air headed slu*t who only wanted to be inside this tight heat that was squeezing him tighter, tighter, tighter in waves that had him groaning lowly. He clutched at the blankets with his left hand while he lifted the right to slid along his husband's thigh with a firm squeeze. Holding onto his husband who held onto him fiercely. Nails biting into his skin like burning points along his feverish skin to get him shuddering. Arching into his husband's hold as he yanked his hips back further.

Further, further, further.Coming forward harder with a sharp slap of their skin meeting. Slamming into the heat that welcomed him back without a protest from his husband. The heat that was eating him up. Driving him insane.He couldn't imagine a world where he didn't havethis.Where he didn't have the pleasure of knowing what Shoutafeltlike. It had him moaning lowly in his throat when he lifted his head up only to have teeth nip at his chin. Nails dragging over his side and back leaving old and new burning, throbbing lines behind.

Rasping pants being taken by his husband with half formed sounds flying out of the back of his throat. Whines and whimpers that didn't quite make their way out of him. God, he was arching up against him with inner walls spasming around him tightly. Hips striking fervently at his pelvis as he slammed forward against the black-haired man. Nudging him lightly over the blanket when he felt drops of sweat slipped down the sides of his face. Along the side of his nose. Hot, hot, hot. He was so f*ckinghot.

There was nothing he wanted more than to spend his night f*cking this man as many times as he wants. Demands. To give in to the fantasy of being an airheaded, bimbo slu*t for this man even if he wasn't bottoming. He slammed forward in snapping thrusts that had his husband moaning ecstatically at him with nails biting into his feverish skin. Faster, faster, faster. He had to gofaster.Harder, harder, harder. He wants to f*ck himharder.Give his husband exactly what he wants without him having to shout in that slurred moan what he wanted.

Slamming himself into the clenching head with hands holding onto him when he squirmed with an arch down to his heaving chest with rasping pants being taken when his husband nipped sharply at the side of his neck. Huffing pants fanning over it with hips hitting against him harder with those frantic thrusts. Something that had him snapping his hips forward giddily without a moment of hesitation. Shuddering with a keening moan flying out of him when Shouta's hips bucked up in a hard hit that had him wobbling.

Moaning at him when he returned that slamming thrust tearing a keening moan out of his husband with nails clawing at him. Palms sliding over those burning lines as he was clutched close, close, close to the black-haired man with a gasping inhale. It flew out on a shrill cry when he slammed his hips forward. God, he could f*ck him like this all night. All f*cking night, day, afternoon long. Anything to give him the pleasure of his husband squirming and twisting beneath him as he gasped so prettily like he was.

"Te-Tell me, can that little f*ckin' br-brain of yours even put together th-the words to tell me ho-how bad you want me? Or ar-are youreallyjust all looks, huh? The pe-perfect pretty husband who doesn't fu-f*ckingthink?"A shiver ran down his back at that husky voice when his husband nipped at his jaw again. "I sho-should've made you wear some of your sho-short skirts! Bimbos lo-love that, don't they? Sho-Showin' off their body? You wa-wanna dress sexy for me? Fli-Flip your skirt up andf*ckme with it on?"

"Yes!God, f*ck yes! I ca-can put it on after! Ah! Mmm! Yo-You love how pretty I am, don't you? You ca-can't get enough of how pretty I am! An-And you f*ckingloveit! I canfeelho-how pretty you find me to be! I'll pu-put on any skirt you want! Fu-f*ck yousillyin some heels, huh, baby? You al-always gonutswhen I we-wear heels, don't you? Yo-You f*ckinglovewhen I f*ck you wi-with my heels on!"

"Mmm!f*ck!Yeah, I do! I fu-f*ckin' love it! I'll ma-make you wear those strappy he-heels of yours!" God, it had his erection twitching at that husky pitch to his husband's voice. Gasping up at him with nails biting into his skin when he whimpered up at him despite that wicked smirk curling over his lips. "Bu-But don't go us-usin' all those big words of yours! Sma-Small f*cking brain of yours ca-can't handle big words, can it? Nnnsh*t!Oh! Ohhhh! Mm! Yes, yes! God, Zashi!"

Moaning lowly in his throat at that bite to his husband's husky voice when he squirmed with hips slamming against his husband. God, he wanted more of that biting tone. That slight venom. It stung so f*ckinggoodwhen he squirmed with his chest arching up as he thrusted his fingers faster. Spreading. "Mmm! Ah! Ma-Maybe dumb it do-down a lil' more! Th-Then I might understand be-better! Ta-Talk to me slo-slower and I might understand it!"

"Tha-That's because your just a f*cking idiot, isn't it? A dumb bl-blonde who doesn't understand when he's be-being talked too? Mmm! Nnnn, God, I'm go-gonna f*ck yourbrainsout, you he-hear me? I'm gonna fu-f*ck myself on this co*ck of ours un-until you're nothin' more than an ai-airheaded fu-f*ck toy for me to use! Only fo-for me to cum and get off! I'll use you the f*ck up and ma-make you prance around in that short skirt! Mmmm! Tu-Turn you into a properslu*t who al-always gets in my pants, do-don't you?"

"Yesssss! Yes! f*ck, I ca-can't get enough of you, baby! Can ne-never get enough of you but you love it, don't you? Yo-Youlikehow fu-f*cking dumb I am! Youlikeit sooo f*cking much, do-don't lie! Ah! Mm! Yo-You love f*cking yourself on this big co-co*ck of mine, don't you? Ah! Ah, f*ck! Mmmm! Ca-Can't get 'nough of me, can you? Nnnghnn! God, yo-you're so f*ckingtight!I wa-want you to f*ck me all night! Ma-Make a f*ckin'messoutta me, baby! Sho-Show me how f*ckingdumbI am!"

"I will! Nnn! God, I wa-want you in me all night! By-By the time I'm done with you, you'll be no-nothing more than a whor* be-begging to be out of me! God! I'm go-gonna f*ck your brains out! Fu-f*ck you so goooood! Mmmnnn! Ah! Oh! f*ck, Zashi! Yo-You're so f*cking stupid all the time! I'll ma-make sure you can't think pro-properly tonight! I'll turn you in-into a real f*cking bimbo! Ah! Ah, ah! Fu-f*ck me faster! Harder! Yo-You can do that much ca-can't you? Do wh-what I say and fu-f*ck me into this bed!"

Ohhh, it had him moaning down at his husband who snapped his hips against his pelvis with a moan of his own. The threat, the bite to his voice, were f*cking perfect. Everything he could want and more from this man. He wanted to be torn apart. Eaten up. He didn’t want a trace of himself left behind. He slammed his hips forward into that tight, clenching heat that had him moaning out. A slurred sound that was echoed by his squirming husband who slid his hands over his skin to hold onto his forearm.

Shouta's hips jerking desperately beneath him. The heel of his foot digging into his lower back with a keening moan ripping out of his husband. Encouraging him onwards. Jerking him forward again, again, again with hard thrusts against him that had the man squirming beneath him. Gasping. Panting. It was hot, hot, hot. He was so f*cking hot. Yanking his hips back eagerly to pound himself into that tight heat had his husband moaning beneath him with arms tightening around him. Squeezing him close, close, close.

And he flew down to crush his lips to those kiss swollen ones. The sharp smack of their moving lips with racing pants fanning over hot cheeks. The slick squelch of his thrusts ringing out to mix in with the crisp slap of skin hitting together. Quiet back of throat sounds leaving the both of them breathlessly. He snapped his hips forward in pounding thrusts when he felt his husband squirming with a keening moan as lips crushed themselves to his fervently. A hand slid up to cup the back of his head with fingers twisting into his hair.

Holding him tightly while coaxing for that harder press of lips against his. And he happily crushed his lips in fast, passionate kisses that left him absolutely breathless. Pounding himself into the heat that was clenching rhythmically around him, his toes curling tightly with his husband’s foot digging into his lower back that tightened to yank him forward. Jerking him forward with pounding thrusts stuttering when the black-haired man jerked his hips to slam against his pelvis. A strength that had him moaning into the kiss.

Kissing his husband with thathungerto get him squirming when it was returned to him without a drop of hesitation. That lust.It was sizzling under his skin leaving him breathless to be rid of it. He pounded himself into his husband who writhed, twisted and squirmed with moans spilling out of him. So pretty. He was so, so f*cking pretty. Listening to him whimper, whine, moan and groan at him. Mewling. Ecstatic. Pleasurable. Wanton. Needy. Enthusiastic. Encouraging him to go harder, harder. Faster, faster.

God, it was hard to pin down the pitch to his husband’s whining, but it had him giddily pounding himself into that heat. God, he could f*ck this man for hours and it’d never be enough. Not enough. He grunted when he felt that passion, that lust, being returned to him in the kiss. Full lips slid against his frantically in hard kisses, he found himself delighting in. He wanted his husband to ruin him. He wanted to beg for no more. He wanted to f*ck this man until his dick was on fire and another org*sm felt impossible.

Until he felt that overstimulation coming for him. He wanted nothing more than to indulge in that outcome with his husband. Pounding himself into his husband who whimpered enthusiastically up at him with fingers yanking at his hair. Sending sparks down his back when his hips stuttered in a clumsy thrust before jumping frantically. Moving faster, faster, faster. Harder, harder, harder. The condescending words of his husband ringing in his ears as he pounded himself into the black-haired man with a groan.

Giving in to that howling voice in the back of his head that insisted, shrieked, for him to bury himself into the black-haired man fast as he could. To slide back inside the second an inch of himself was slipping out of him. If his husband expected him to play the dumb blonde tonight, then he would. He’d let himself be f*cked again, again, again until he could be deemed an airheaded slu*t. When he was a garbling, moaning mess beneath the black-haired man. He squirmed at the thought with a growl ripping out of him.

And then Shouta gave another of those intentional squeezes around him. Clenching up f*cking tight leaving him squirming with hips pounding forward against his pelvis. His hips jumped in a frenzy to pound into that clenching heat that was gripping him so f*cking good it had his mouth watering. Threatening to make him drool. His heat razing under his skin to boil his blood through his veins. Crushing his lips to Shouta’s in hard slides that were returned to him when he felt that tongue flicking at his lips.

Tracing along the bottom then up along the top with a squirm of hips before they were slamming against him. And he opened his mouth without a second thought when he then rolled over. Throwing himself onto his back again with his hands tugging Shouta on top of him with the man moaning down at him. His tongue meeting then twisting with his in a playful rub that had him squirming with a shudder when he slammed his hips up to meet a hard drop of his husband’s hips. A slick squelch ringing out with that harsh slap of skin on skin.

Huffing through his nose desperately when he slid his hands along his husband’s waist then clawing at him had the black-haired man slamming himself down. Fast, fast, fast. Hard, hard, hard. Bouncing himself wildly when the black-haired man flicked at his piercing playfully before swirling around it. Rubbing, nudging, playing with it shamelessly, which he was more than delighted to content himself too. Slamming his hips up against his husband to meet those hard drops down when he felt hips squirming.

A subtle side to side before snapping down with a keening moan ripping out of the black-haired man. f*ck, he’d let this man ride him all night long if that’s what he wanted from him. If he wanted to have that control to pin him down to the bed and say those mean, venomous words to him. Words that would get steadily worse than goddammit he’d happily give in. Inner walls clenched around him in another of those breath taking squeezes that had him whimpering shrilly at his husband who slammed his hips down.

Pounding himself on his erection like he was a damn toy. Like he was working out every frustration out of his body. Riding him hard, fast, like he always did and God he found his hips snapping up to mimic his pounding rhythm. Burying himself into that heat giddily as he twisted his tongue with Shouta’s. Clinging onto his waist as the man bounced himself quickly with heaving chests pressing tightly together. He smelled so good. Felt so f*cking good on top of him and in his arms. He wished he could see those hips.

Watch him move while he pounded himself on him but he wanted to kiss him. To twist his tongue with his and rub it playfully against Shouta's before undulating it up to rub the bottom ball of his piercing across the top of his tongue. Earning himself a keening moan as his husband then cried out into the kiss with a jerk. Jolting when his hips raised up before pounding down only to jerk in his arms again with a deafening moan flying out of him. And there was a change; a fervor in the way that Shouta began bouncing on him.

Slamming himself down fast, fast, fast with the tempo of his rasping pants changing their tempo. It had his stomach fluttering with a groan at the realization that Shouta found it. It had him pounding up giddily only to have his husband twist and jerk against him with whines spilling out of him. Faster, faster, faster. Harder, harder, harder. The clap of their sweaty skin was deafening. The slick squelches of the rubber and condom. The huffing pants fanning over flushed cheeks that trembled and wavered.

The quiet, barely audible wet sound of their moving tongues when he wiggled a hand between their stomachs to rub his fingers along the underside of that throbbing erection. Sandwiched between them, the black-haired man bucked towards his hand with a keening moan flying out of him. Squirming in a twist against him when he curled his fingers around his dripping erection. Stroking him fast, fast, fast in time with the pounding rhythm they both used had his husband moaning at him encouragingly.

Ecstatically. A pleasurable sound that sent a shiver down his back as he pounded himself up into that constricting heat that seemed to throb around him. His husband jolted and squirmed above him with that keening moan leaving him as hips dropped down hard against him. It had his hips wavering briefly before he was jerking his hips up rather than letting them drop to the bed. Growling up at the black-haired man when he got another of those intentional squeezes from him. A tight, clamping squeeze that sent sparks up his back.

He twisted his tongue with Shouta’s to which he then rubbed it against his which earned him that massaging rub back as he pounded himself up. Harder. Faster.He could feel that weak spark twisting into his lower stomach with each slam up into his husband. Grunting when he had to put that extra effort into it to keep his hips from falling down to the bed but God if he didn’t love it. If it didn’t have him burning up. He shuddered with a squirm of his own at that spark twisting tighter into his lower stomach like a hot coal.

Screaming for the attention that he didn’t want to give it. Not yet. He pounded himself up into the black-haired man who happily pounded down against him. Using enough force in those drops of his to get the bed bouncing lightly beneath them but God if he didn’t love it. The quiet creak of the bed lost under slapping skin and squelching thrusts. Huffing pants. He slid his hands along his husband’s waist before clawing at him again, earning himself a moan from his husband who dropped down hard.

Jerking at the resulting surge it no doubt created when he moaned when inner walls spasmed around him. God, he was so f*cking good. Amazing. There was no other man who could f*ck him as good as Shouta could. No one could ride him or make him feel so f*cking good. He clawed at his husbands’ waist again to work in those red lines before dragging his nails down to flexing, trembling thighs. Clawing at them had his husband whimpering shrilly at him with hips snapping up and down, up and down, up and down.

Riding him with a fervor, a passion, that had him burning up hot, hot, hot. Chasing after that org*sm he felt twisting into his stomach with each pounding thrust up into that tight clenching heat. f*ck, his husband was so good. He couldn’t believe that he got this beautiful, mean, clever, sexy man all to himself like this. He huffed through his nose while twisting his tongue to rub against Shouta’s with a playful flick that had the black-haired man whining back. He pressed his lips fiercely to Shouta's who pressed back hard.

Making his lips achefrom the force of it.So close. Each thrust, each drop, bringing him closer, closer, closer. That spark twisted sharply in his stomach as he began clawing up his way to that precipice as his husband whimpered and whined. Pounding himself on him like he was a f*cking toy he had broken out of their drawer. It had him shuddering with a keening moan flying out of him in response when his husband began to tighten around him. An active, throbbing squeeze that had him slamming up desperately.

Chasing after that pleasure pooling into his stomach with his org*sm tearing nowhere but up, up, up. Dancing closer to that edge with each strike up that had skin slapping together. He slid his tongue against Shouta’s in a rub before giving a parting flick only to find himself howling out when his husband jerked his hips down. Squeezing around him so f*cking tight it had him breaking the kiss to throw his head back to the bed. Squirming, writhing, twisting beneath his husband who jerked his hips down fast, fast, fast.

A whimper flying out of his husband when he slid his hands from his thighs up to his waist to begin yanking him down on his erection in hard, long thrusts that had Shouta whimpering. Damn near mewling as he twisted and squirmed with jolts running over him. Teeth bit down on his collar bone with fierce sucks given to the skin to get him groaning huskily at the black-haired man. So close, so close, so close. So f*cking close he couldtaste it. Perhaps he was a bit pent up tonight than he thought tonight.

Was it because he was playing up this scenario all day in his head? Because he was thinking of all the mean, venomous things his husband could say? The light degradation he’d get that would only intensify throughout the night? It had him moaning at the thought of another round. Another chance at that degradation. And God knows he needed just one shove over the edge. Just one, just one, just one. He needed one more shove to get him over the edge he found himself dancing precariously on. Temptingly close.

Pounding himself into the clenching, throbbing, contracting heat that pulled at him as if to coax him into coming prematurely. Milking his throbbing erection already as if trying to pull his come out of him. God, it had him moaning enthusiastically at his husband who pounded himself down on him again, again, again. The tempo of those breaths fanning over his chest increasing in tempo with squirms to his hips making themselves all too known. Close. His husband was f*cking close. He knew he was holding it off for his sake.

It had him growling when inner walls clenched tightly around him as Shouta suckled at his collar bone when hips slammed down causing his hips to waver when he slammed up. Loving the moan, it got him when Shouta popped off his spot on his collar bone to bite sharply at his earlobe with racing pants fanning over it had his thighs shaking. Tensing. His erection throbbed frantically within that contracting heat when his husband’s tongue traced along the shell of his ear with hips jerking to pound himself on him quickly.

“Cu-Cum! Cum for me li-like the whor* you f*ckin’ are! Sho-Show me how much you love f*ckin’ me! How good m-mmmmy hole feels 'round you! Cum, Zashi, you fu-f*ckin’ slu*t! I- Ah! Ah, ah, ah! Haah, haah! Oh! Ohhhh, f*ck! I’m gnna-! Nnnghnn! Cumming! Cu-Cumming, Zashi! Cum with me! Fill me up, ba-baby!”

Done. He was done. His thighs shook with his stomach flexing tightly with his hips jumping desperately with a howl flying out of him as he pressed head back. Squeezing his eyes shut as they rolled back on him with lashes fluttering down onto his cheeks as his howl crested up. Tearing through pitches, volume, effortlessly as his husband slammed his hips down before stiffening against him. Stroking him fast with a fierce squeeze to the throbbing shaft in his hand when he choked off his howl when his husband flinched.

Whimpering. He stiffened up with that tingling wave rushing up his shakings thighs where it exploded into his stomach. Done, done, done. A choked, croaking sound left the back of his throat with his erection throbbing desperately. Frantically. Hot, hot, hot. White-hot heat slammed over him leaving him hot, hot, hot. Drowning. Choking. Smoldering away. Inner walls spasmed around him in contracting throbs to coax another throb out of him. Another spurt filling the condom. Hot spurts landed on his stomach.

Coming so hard he swore he felt drops hit near his chest but God if he couldn’t find it in him to not care. Not care one bit as his husband twisted closer to him with hips thrusting desperately into his stroking hand. Gasping. Whimpering. Moaning. He was so hot, so hot, so hot. It was so good, so good, so f*cking good! Ohhhh, it was grabbing at his f*cking bones he swore it with each throb leaving him. Twisting, squirming, clinging. Holding onto his shaking husband who let out a croaked sound of his own with hips slowing.

In their thrusts slightly to rocking into his hand. He could hear nails dragging over the blanket beneath them. The throbs of his heart felt insufferable as it pumped that strangling white-hot heat through him. Drowning, drowning, drowning. Burning, burning, burning. Cresting up leaving him feeling so good, so good, so good. Dancing on that line of too much, too much, too much. Beautiful. Amazing. Drowning. And then, as if to take mercy, his org*sm rushed out of him rather quickly leaving him heaving in a shaking gasp.

His erection throbbed with hips grinding up tightly against his husband to ride out the ebbing waves dragging their nails under his skin. Rushing out of him leaving him a shaking mess beneath his husband when hips gave a weak thrust as if to aid the final few spurts. Dribbling over His fingers more than anything but God if he didn’t care. His husband’s hips rocked weakly against his hand before stilling with a shuddering breath leaving the black-haired man. Slumping forward with his weight hitting his heaving chest with a grunt.

He pulled his hand from his husband’s twitching erection to curl his arms around the shaking man above him. Rolling onto their sides again, his husband’s right thigh brushed against his and it felt odd. To not feel a calf wrapping around his. To feel his knee and foot hooking around him. He slid his hand down to begin that soothing circuit of a caress along his thigh when his husband buried his face into his throat. Tucking his head up beneath his chin where full lips began to press kisses to his throat.

Chaste, affectionate kisses that had him smiling when he began to kiss at the top of Shouta’s head. Frantic to return that affection in the aftershocks of his org*sm. He squeezed Shouta tightly to his chest with hands sliding along his back when he slid his along Shouta’s thigh. Kneading gently at the trembling muscles when he nuzzled his face into wild black locks. God, he loves this man. He was wheezing, panting, huffing for air to feed his hungry lungs when his husband’s head tilted back slightly with ragged pants.

Lips and nose nuzzling up beneath his jaw against the fluttering pulse point there with huffing pants fanning over his skin. Content. It was quiet without that slick squelching or the slapping of meeting skin. Without moans, groans, whines and whimpers to fill the quiet of their dimly lit bedroom. He held his husband to his heaving chest fiercely when he slid his hand up his thigh to his waist. Curving it backwards to slide over his ass where inner walls fluttered around his twitching, softening erection.

Whining at the spark it sent up his back, he slid his hand up his husband’s back lazily. Slipping slickly over sweaty skin, he kissed at black curls again. Nuzzling his face into locks that held that bite of cigarette smoke. The softness of the rain. He pulled his head back then to kiss at his husband’s forehead which had the black-haired man humming. Hands sliding along his back lazily where fingers tugged and plucked at his hair. Shaking together in the aftermath of their org*sms. And then his husband pulled back further with lips pressing to his cheek.

Again. And again. Fluttering kisses placed over his face that had him giggling at the black-haired man when lips targeted his cheeks. The bridge of his nose. Nothing would ever give him more of a confidence boost than knowing how much his husband adored his freckles. He kissed his husband’s flushed, sweaty face as he lifted his hand from his back to tuck black curls behind his ear. Earning himself one of those rare, quiet giggle into his cheek when he nuzzled his lips to a red cheek. God, he loves that sound.

Loves it when his husband was euphoric enough to giggle like that. It had him melting when he felt his husband’s right thigh pressing to his waist. And while he didn’t have his foot to dig into him, it was clear what he wanted. For him to stay close. Stay inside of him. And he would be more than content to do that if he didn’t have a filled condom waiting to be taken off. But the heat of his husband was damn good save for the small sparks of sensitivity as inner walls clenched and fluttered around his softening dick.

It had him twitching in response but God if he didn’t want to stay in this man all night long. If he didn’t want to stay in his arms that held him close to that heaving chest. But with those flutters of inner walls around him it had his hips rocking weakly against his husband who jumped into that gentle rocking. Lips pressing down his cheek to his jaw when he trailed his own lips over the scars running over his cheekbone. His eyelid. Up to just below his eyebrow. He wanted to touch. To get his fill of this man.

Then he pulled back with Shouta leaning in to nuzzle their noses together. It had him giggling again as he slid his hand up and down his back lazily with that desire to touch his feverish skin. To feel him in the glow of his org*smic bliss. He swore he'd never be happier than he was in that post org*smic state with his husband. When the affection he wanted so desperately from his husband was given to him without so much as a batted lash. He loves how affectionate his husband was after sex. How affectionate he could be with him.

Nuzzling his nose to Shouta’s, he swore he got another quiet giggle from the man that deepened quickly into a chuckle when the black-haired man pulled away. A look of awe on his face when he grinned at the man with a throat clearing. “So, uh, di-did you really want me too? Pu-Put that skirt on? An-And the heels? You rea-really want me to fu-f*ck you with them on?"

“Yes!” Oh, it had his face burning at that breathless gasp of that word when his husband paused to clear his throat but he could see that glittering excitement in dark eyes. Making them wider than anything with pupils blown wide with that after org*smic glow to them. He was beautiful. His husband paused before licking his lips with black lashes fluttering in a fast blink. “I-I thought I said I was go-gonna f*ck you tonight ‘til you fe-felt like an air-headed bimbo, didn’t I? I wa-want that more than anything!"

“Well, I do-don’t have a problem with that! I’ll gladly fu-f*ck you with my skirt and heels on! I’ll gi-give you a proper f*cking tonight an-and let you f*ck my brains out! Tu-Turn m into an air-headed slu*t of a bimbo, won’t you?” He twisted closer with his husband chuckling lowly; a menacing sound that sent shivers down his back when he kissed at a red cheek. “I want you to-to f*ck me until I can’t take it an-anymore! I want you to tu-turn me into a f*cking slu*t, you he-hear me? Make me be-beg you for no more, got it?”

“Got it.”

Fifty Darker Shades of EraserMic - Chapter 47 - CrypticBeans (anactualcryptid666) - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.