F&W Forestry Services (2024)

Lon: " + lonText + "

"; } function executeQueryTask(evt) { map.infoWindow.hide(); map.graphics.clear(); featureSet = null; //onClick event returns the evt point where the user clicked on the map. //This is contains the mapPoint (esri.geometry.point) and the screenPoint (pixel xy where the user clicked). //set query geometry = to evt.mapPoint Geometry query.geometry = evt.mapPoint; //Execute task and call showResults on completion queryTask.execute(query, function (fset) { if (fset.features.length === 1) { var m_att = fset.features[0].attributes; GetRLUAcresComments(m_att.RLU_No); //showFeature(fset.features[0], evt); m_feature = fset.features[0]; m_evt = evt; } }); } function GetRLUAcresComments(RluNo) { //alert("Inside Get RLU" + RluNo); PageMethods.GetRLUData(RluNo, success, fail); } function success(result) { var strC = result.split("::"); document.getElementById("rluIsLicensed").value = strC[0]; document.getElementById("rluAcres").value = strC[1]; document.getElementById("rluBidType").value = strC[2]; document.getElementById("rluBidPrice").value = strC[3]; document.getElementById("rluBuyNowPrice").value = strC[4]; document.getElementById("rluBidEnd").value = strC[5]; document.getElementById("rluComments").value = strC[6]; document.getElementById("rluID").value = strC[7]; document.getElementById("checkmaps").value = strC[8]; document.getElementById("rluContact").value = strC[9]; showFeature(m_feature, m_evt, strC); } var tabAdded = 0; function showFeature(feature, evt, strC) { var symbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_DOT, new dojo.Color([0, 0, 255]), 3), new dojo.Color([255, 255, 0, 0.2])); feature.setSymbol(symbol); var attr = feature.attributes; var content1; var hdn_rluid = document.getElementById("rluID").value; attributes = m_feature.attributes; var tab1_hd, tab2_hd, tab3_hd; var tab1_tx, tab2_tx, tab3_tx; tab1_hd = "RLU Info"; tab2_hd = "Comments"; tab3_hd = "Print Maps"; tab1_tx = "

"; var rluno = attr.RLU_No; if (strC[0] == '0') { tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; if (strC[2] == 'Lease Now') { tab1_tx = tab1_tx + "" tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; } else if (strC[2] == '1') { tab1_tx = tab1_tx + "" tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; //} else if (strC[2] == '2') { // tab1_tx = tab1_tx + "" // tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; // tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; // tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; } else if (strC[2] == '3') { tab1_tx = tab1_tx + "" tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; tab1_tx = tab1_tx + ""; } tab2_tx = "

" + strC[6] + "

"; } else { tab1_tx = tab1_tx + "" tab2_tx = ""; } var aerialMap = "F&W Forestry Services (1)Aerial Map"; var topoMap = "F&W Forestry Services (2)TOPO Map"; var locMap = "F&W Forestry Services (3)Location Map"; tab1_tx = tab1_tx + "
RLU No:" + rluno + "
RLU Acres: " + strC[1] + "
Bidding Type:" + strC[2] + "
RLU Price:" + strC[4] + "
Click here to Lease Now
Bidding Type:Traditional bidding
Bid Price:" + strC[3] + "
Bidding Ends:" + strC[5] + "
Click here to Bid on this RLU
Bidding Type:Blind bidding
Bid Price:" + strC[3] + "
Bidding Ends:" + strC[5] + "
Click here to Bid on this RLU
Bidding Type:Incremental bidding
Bid Price:" + strC[3] + "
Bidding Ends:" + strC[5] + "
Click here to Bid on this RLU

This RLU is currently not available for bidding.

"; tab3_tx = "

"; tab3_tx = tab3_tx + ""; tab3_tx = tab3_tx + ""; tab3_tx = tab3_tx + ""; tab3_tx = tab3_tx + "
" + aerialMap + "" + topoMap + "
" + locMap + "

"; var title = "

RLU No: " + rluno + " (" + document.getElementById("rluAcres").value + " Acres)

"; map.infoWindow.resize(315, 230); map.infoWindow.setTitle(title); dijit.byId("layer1Tab").setContent(tab1_tx); dijit.byId("layer2Tab").setContent(tab2_tx); dijit.byId("layer3Tab").setContent(tab3_tx); //alert(content); map.graphics.clear(); map.graphics.add(feature); map.infoWindow.show(evt.screenPoint, map.getInfoWindowAnchor(evt.screenPoint)); } function ZoomToRLUExtent() { map.setExtent(startExtent); } function ZoomToRLU() { var rluindex = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddl_rlu').selectedIndex; var rluVal = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddl_rlu').options[rluindex].value; findParams.layerIds = [1]; findParams.searchFields = ["RLU_No"]; findParams.contains = false; findParams.searchText = rluVal; findTask.execute(findParams, showResults); } function ZoomToRLUSearch() { selectTab('mapTab'); var rluindex = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlRluNo').selectedIndex; if (rluindex > 0) { var rluVal = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlRluNo').options[rluindex].value; findParams.layerIds = [1]; findParams.searchFields = ["RLU_No"]; findParams.contains = false; findParams.searchText = rluVal; } else { var ctyindex = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlCounty').selectedIndex; var ctVal = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlCounty').options[ctyindex].value; findParams.layerIds = [1]; findParams.searchFields = ["CTFIPS"]; findParams.contains = false; findParams.searchText = ctVal; } findTask.execute(findParams, showResults); } function ZoomToRLUMap(rluVal) { selectTab('mapTab'); showloading(); setTimeout(function () { findParams.layerIds = [1]; findParams.searchFields = ["RLU_No"]; findParams.contains = false; findParams.searchText = rluVal; //alert(findParams.searchText); findTask.execute(findParams, showResults); }, 500); } function ZoomToCountyMap(ctVal) { selectTab('mapTab'); findParams.layerIds = [1]; findParams.searchFields = ["CTFIPS"]; findParams.contains = false; findParams.searchText = ctVal; findTask.execute(findParams, showResults); } function doFind() { var qst1 = window.location.search.split("&"); var qst = qst1[0].split("="); var qst = window.location.search.split("="); findParams.searchText = qst[1]; selectTab('mapTab'); showloading(); setTimeout(function () { findTask.execute(findParams, showResults2); }, 500); } function showResults2(results) { //This function works with an array of FindResult that the task returns //map.graphics.clear(); var symbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_DOT, new dojo.Color([0, 0, 255]), 3), new dojo.Color([255, 255, 0, 0.2])); var graphic; //Create items array to be added to store's data var items = []; //all items to be stored in data store //alert(results.length); if (results.length == 0) { selectTab("detailsTab"); hideloading(); } for (var i = 0, il = results.length; i < il; i++) { //items.push(results[i].feature.attributes); //append each attribute list as item in store graphic = results[i].feature; graphic.setSymbol(symbol); map.graphics.add(graphic); } //Zoom back to the initial map extent var gExtent = graphic.geometry.getExtent(); map.setExtent(gExtent.expand(2.0)); setTimeout(function () { if (loadCount == '2') { selectTab("detailsTab"); hideloading(); } else { hideloading(); } }, 1000); } //----------------------------- //----------------------------------------- function showResults(results) { //This function works with an array of FindResult that the task returns //map.graphics.clear(); var symbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_DOT, new dojo.Color([0, 0, 255]), 3), new dojo.Color([255, 255, 0, 0.2])); var graphic; //Create items array to be added to store's data var items = []; //all items to be stored in data store //alert(results.length); for (var i = 0, il = results.length; i < il; i++) { //items.push(results[i].feature.attributes); //append each attribute list as item in store graphic = results[i].feature; graphic.setSymbol(symbol); map.graphics.add(graphic); } //Zoom back to the initial map extent var gExtent = graphic.geometry.getExtent(); hideloading(); map.setExtent(gExtent.expand(2.0)); } function ClearMapSelection() { map.graphics.clear(); map.infoWindow.hide(); } function initLayer(url, id) { var layer = new esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(url, { id: id, visible: false }); map.addLayer(layer); return layer; } function changeMap(layers) { hideImageTiledLayers(layers); for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { layers[i].show(); } } function hideImageTiledLayers(layers) { for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[j]); if (dojo.indexOf(layers, layer) == -1) { layer.hide(); } } } function hideTimberLayer() { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[map.layerIds.length - 2]); layer.hide(); } function showTimberLayer() { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[map.layerIds.length - 2]); if (document.getElementById('cb_timber').checked) { layer.show(); } else { layer.hide(); 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This includes properties currently open for bidding and properties that are available for lease immediately without bidding."; } else if (ctrl.options.selectedIndex == 1) { sDiv.innerHTML = "Shows properties that are currently open for bidding. These properties will be open till the bidding period ends.

Winning bidders will be notified at the end of the bidding period by email. RLU prices listed show the current highest bid value."; } else if (ctrl.options.selectedIndex == 2) { sDiv.innerHTML = "Shows properties that are available for lease immediately. There is no bidding for these properties.

Users can create their leases soon after the purchase and will be notified by email about payment amount and due dates. Users must have a club created in the site before leasing the property. "; } //alert(sDiv.innerHTML); } function divover(ctl) { ctl.style.backgroundColor = "#E6F5DC"; } function divout(ctl) { ctl.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; }

Available Areas

Land available for leasing is listed geographically by state and county. If your preferred county is not listed, then we do not currently have any property for hunting available in that county.

Each tract is shown on a map and is identified by a Recreational Lease Unit (RLU) number. Hunt clubs are allowed to bid on as many tracts of land as they like.

Show RLUs

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Shows all properties available for hunting. This includes properties currently open for bidding and properties that are available for lease immediately without bidding.

See the User Guide for more information.

Search properties to view the list here.

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F&W Forestry Services (4)

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F&W Forestry Services (2024)
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Article information

Author: Carlyn Walter

Last Updated:

Views: 5714

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.